Friday, February 7, 2025

Samsung’s largest tablet proved to be surprisingly solid (Tab S8 Ultra)

The endurance test that many have been waiting for has hit the YouTube channel JerryRigEverything. See how Samsung’s biggest tablet faced Zack Nelson’s hand and scalpel


2 min read

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra in February. It is a tablet with a 14.6-inch Super AMOLED screen, which is claimed to be as much as 40 percent less prone to bending than its predecessor, and its aluminum body is 30 percent more resistant to scratches.

The company pointed out these durability figures, primarily because it is a fairly large and thin tablet, so it does not give many people security when it comes to bending. To make sure of the strength of the Galaxy Taba S8 Ultra, YouTuber Zack Nelson, better known as JerryRigEverything, decided to test whether he would survive his one-piece tests.




Nelson made no secret of his suspicions at the beginning of the video, but the strength and durability of the largest tablet he had the opportunity to test really surprised him. Scratches on the screen appear on the sixth level of the Mohs hardness scale, and the fingerprint sensor below the screen works even after slightly more serious scratches on the seventh level.

After drawing a dinosaur with a scalpel on the case and lighting it with a lighter, Nelson moved on to what everyone was probably waiting for – bending this “tablet monster”. The Tab S8 Ultra survived that last part of the test, and as the YouTuber himself says, he was very surprised by its strength and durability.

“I usually try to stay objective during my testing, but today when I opened the box of this pill, I was expecting a ‘massacre’. Instead, he ‘bit’ me and didn’t get any structural damage, and I’m a pretty big man, “Nelson concluded, adding that he wasn’t sure what” black magic “Samsung used to make the Tab S8 Ultra.







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