Thursday, September 19, 2024

The hacker forum RaidForums has been shut down

RaidForums was shut down after its founder and moderator was arrested earlier.


1 min read

RaidForums, a well-known hacker forum popular with cybercriminals for buying and selling stolen databases, was shut down as part of a coordinated action by Europol and other police agencies from a number of countries. In this way, many criminals who profited from the sale of stolen information were thwarted.

It is estimated that at the time it was shut down, more than 10 billion unique records were on offer at the forum. Europol, the British National Anti-Crime Agency, the US Department of Justice, and the Portuguese, Swedish, and Romanian police took part in the global action. They have been cooperating for at least a year through Europol’s Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce, through which information relevant to the action was exchanged.

This made it possible to define the key people behind RaidForums. Thanks to that, the USA filed a lawsuit against the founder of RaidForums and its main administrator, the Portuguese Diogo Santos Coelho, who was arrested in Great Britain in January. He is still in prison in Great Britain, and the procedure for his extradition to the USA is in progress.

Two more of his associates were arrested. One of them is an (unnamed) 21-year-old British citizen, who was arrested in March, in whose possession 5,000 pounds, several thousand dollars, and a crypto wallet with cryptocurrencies worth half a million dollars were found.








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